Aerobika Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure Therapy System




Monaghan Medical Aerobika® Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP) Therapy System, Durable Design, Dishwasher Safe

Combined Oscillatory PEP and nebulizer treatments reduce overall therapy time which may improve compliance. One device for all patient groups. Oscillations create short bursts of increased expiratory resistance to thin, dislodge and move mucus to the upper airways where it can be coughed out. Aids in lung hygiene and helps prevent infections. Improves gas transfer and lowers air trapping.

  • Shorter treatment times than traditional chest physiotherapy.
  • Easy to learn for independent use.
  • Inexpensive, quiet and portable device.
  • Little interruption to daily living.
  • At least as effective as manual chest physiotherapy.
  • Durable design is easy to clean/disinfect and is dishwasher safe.


Quantity Per Sell: 1

Independence Item # MW62510