TENA ProSkin Protective Underwear for Men XL, 55" - 66".
TENA ProSkin Protective Underwear for Men, Extra Large, 55" to 66" (140 cm - 168 cm) Waist Size, Maxium Absorbency, Grey Color, 100% Breathability, Body-close Fit, Latex-Free.
Quantity: Pack of 14
DIMENSIONS: 9.75 X 10.95 X 5.85
Weight: 1.855lb
SKU: 73540
Independence Item # SQ73540
Quantity: Case of 56
DIMENSIONS: 19.5 X 12.3 X 10.25
Weight: 8.585lb
SKU: 73540
Independence Item # SQ73540
Quantity: Pack of 14
DIMENSIONS: 9.75 X 10.95 X 5.85
Weight: 1.855lb
SKU: 73540
Independence Item # SQ73540
Quantity: Case of 56
DIMENSIONS: 19.5 X 12.3 X 10.25
Weight: 8.585lb
SKU: 73540
Independence Item # SQ73540